Round and Pointed by Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky: Round and Pointed
Round and Pointed

Nr.: AKG2148484 | Format: 49,5 x 69,5 cm | Öl auf Karton
Wassily Kandinsky > | Mannheim, Städtische Kunsthalle >

Just a few Steps to
your Fine Art Print:

  • Step 1: Choose your desired size
    Width: cm  Height cm
  • 2: Select your printing material[i]
    • Photographic Paper
      max. 120 x 300 cm
    • Fine Art Ultra Smooth 305g
      max. 150 x 300 cm
    • Fine Art Vat Paper 210g
      max. 150 x 300 cm
    • Fine Art Canvas (Print without frame)
      max. 140 x 300 cm
    • Fine Art Canvas stretched on frame
      max. 140 x 250 cm
    • Acrylic glass picture high glossy: Photo Print behind acrylic glass on aluminum dibond incl. back frame
      max. 120 x 200 cm
  • 3. Optional: Select your frame[i]
    Frame categories to choose from:
    • Without frame
    • Wooden Gallery Frames
    • Veneered Aluminum Frames
    • Wooden Frames colored
    • Golden Frames
    • Precious Frames
    • Glass Cabinet
    • Aluminum Frames
    • Shadow Gap Frames
    • Shadow gap frames with precious metal
  • 4. Optional: Select your passepartout[i]
    • without passepartout
    • white
    • muted white
    • grey
    top cm, below cm, left / right cm
  • Total price
    incl. VAT; plus shipping
    from 40.42
    Outside dimensions
    15 x 10 cm
    Delivery time:
    up to 6 workdays
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