Frida Kahlo - Custom-made Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
My nurse and I
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Sol y vida
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Two Fridas
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Shattered Column
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Self-Portrait with Monkey
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Self portrait dedicated to Marte R. Gómez
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Bildnis von Mrs. Jean Wight (Retrato de Mrs. Jean Wight). San Francisco, Januar 1931. Jean Wight war die Ehefrau des Künstlers Clifford Wight, der für die Assistenten zuständig war, die mit Diego Rivera an den Wandgemälden für die Börse in San
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Flower of Life
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Dame in weiss (Christina Kahlo, die Schwester der Künstlerin)
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
The Chick
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Bus
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Wounded Deer (The Little Deer)
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The bride is terrified of the open life
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Glances or The Coconuts
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Love Embrace of the Universe
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Mask
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Diego and I
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Dolor (Sorrow)
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Doña Rosita Morillo
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Village girl
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
A letter
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Eine schwarze und eine weisse Frau am Rande des Dschungels
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
The dead Dimas Rosas at the age of three
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Erinnerungen (Recuerdo)
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Frida in ihrem Garten.
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Frida Kahlo und die Fehlgeburt
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Henry Ford Hospital or the Flying Bed
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Itzcuintli dog with me (self-portrait)
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Cactus Fruit
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Kleines Mädchen mit Totenkopfmaske
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Landscape III
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
The Girl Virginia
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Mein Kleid hängt dort (My Dress Hangs Here)
Fine Art Print from 35.00 € incl. VAT
Little Mexican rider
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
My grandparents, my parents and me – Family tree
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Moses or the seed of Creation
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Without Hope
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Pancho Villa and Adelita
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Portrait of Miguel N. Lira
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Portrait of a Lady in a White Dress
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Portrait of Diego Rivera
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
Portrait of Lucha Maria, A Girl from Tehuacan
Fine Art Print from 40.42 € incl. VAT
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