21st century Mods by Horst A. Friedrichs

Horst A. Friedrichs: 21st century Mods
21st century Mods

Nr.: HFR00101 | UV-Druck auf Alu-Dibond 4mm mit Wandhalterung
Horst A. Friedrichs >

Just a few Steps to
your Fine Art Print:

  • Unlimited

    Price 480,00 Euro

  • Your Options:
    • UV-Print on Alu-Dibond 3mm 40x60 cm
    • With shadow gap frame
    • UV-Print on Alu-Dibond 3mm 60x90 cm
    • With shadow gap frame
  • 3. Optional: Select your frame[i]
    • Shadow Gap Frames
  • Total price
    incl. VAT; plus shipping
    Outside dimensions
    40 x 60 cm
    Delivery time:
    up to 10 workdays
    • Signed by the artist
    • Fine art paper from Hahnemühle
    • Durable for decades
    • Museum quality 
    • Made in Germany
    • Personal consultation by phone or mail
      Tel: +49 921 900 57107
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