Peter Gaymann (Image in dark red)

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Exclusive art prints by the master of amiable humor and gentle jokes, personally signed by the artist.

Gaymann, Peter

Biographie Peter Gaymann

Peter Gaymann, born in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1950, is one of the most successful and popular cartoonists in Germany. After completing his studies (social pedagogy) in his hometown, he decided to pursue his artistic passion and in 1976 became self-employed as a humorous draughtsman. In 2019, the 100th book by and with Peter Gaymann was published, many of his publications became bestsellers. His trademark are the chickens, which are known to the general public with the abbreviation P.GAY on postcards, calendars, posters and etchings.

Publications and series in TAZ, Zeit Magazin, BUNTE, GONG and many other magazines and newspapers open up Peter Gaymann's cartoons to a large audience. For the women's magazine "Brigitte" he brought the challenges in the coexistence of man and woman to the point for 30 years since 1990 in the series "The Couple Problems".

2014, Peter Gaymann was given the honour of designing two stamps for Deutsche Post after Janosch and Loriot with a circulation of 70 million at Easter time.

With the DEMENSCH campaign, which he launched in 2013 with the gerontologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie, Peter Gaymann dedicates himself with sensitivity to the topic of dementia. Every year since then, a postal species calendar with new motifs has been published, which also tour the country in various exhibitions. As an official ambassador of the Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V., he has been committed to helping seriously ill children for many years.

Peter Gaymann has two big children and three small grandchildren and lives with his wife Viktoria Steinbiß-Gaymann on Lake Starnberg in a converted inn. In addition to his family, he loves Italy, especially Rome, where he lived for five years. Gaymann's works are shown as solo and thematic exhibitions at home and abroad in galleries and museums: Wilhelm-Busch-Museum Hannover, Bilderbuchmuseum Burg Wissem in Troisdorf, Arp Museum Remagen, Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, Museum für Neue Kunst Freiburg, Kunstmuseum Bayreuth, Buchheim Museum Bernried u.a.

Rudi Hurzlmeier: Teatime
Fine Art Print from 240.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Carlo, Pietro, Julio, Barolo, Marco
Carlo, Pietro, Julio, Barolo, Marco
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Peter Gaymann: Van Gogh
Van Gogh
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Peter Gaymann: Wolkenbild
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Peter Gaymann: Es ist ein Bild über unsere Beziehung
Es ist ein Bild über unsere Beziehung
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Peter Gaymann: Cezanne überlegt
Cezanne überlegt
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Peter Gaymann: Was ist denn das für ne Farbe?
Was ist denn das für ne Farbe?
Fine Art Print from 150.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Was führt Sie in meine Praxis?
Was führt Sie in meine Praxis?
Fine Art Print from 180.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Das schöne an Vernissagen
Das schöne an Vernissagen
Fine Art Print from 170.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Sag jetzt nicht: Das kann ich auch.
Sag jetzt nicht: Das kann ich auch.
Fine Art Print from 150.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Baselitz
Fine Art Print from 170.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Diese Verknorpelung
Diese Verknorpelung
Fine Art Print from 180.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Schöne Farben
Schöne Farben
Fine Art Print from 150.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Yoga für Radler
Yoga für Radler
Fine Art Print from 180.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Das Leben ist schön
Das Leben ist schön
Fine Art Print from 170.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Sag mal Kunst!
Sag mal Kunst!
Fine Art Print from 170.00 incl. VAT
Peter Gaymann: Essen ist fertig
Essen ist fertig
Fine Art Print from 150.00 incl. VAT